Description | Amount |
Tution Fees | Rs. 3000.00 |
Miscellaneous fees including laboratory and library | -- |
Fees to be paid along with first installment of tuition fees | Rs. 450.00 |
Caution deposit | Rs. 1000.00 |
Admission fees (only for first admission) | Rs. 100.00 |
Migration fee [collected from students of other Universities ] | Rs. 50.00 |
Fee will be collected in 4 equal installments in respects of semester classes are given below: I- Installment: Date of admission of semester classes (special fees, admission fee and caution deposit will also be collected along with Ist installment) in the case of admission to Ist semester and within five working days after reopening of the institution in the case of others. II- Installment: After two months from the first installment. III- Installment: At the beginning of even semester. IV- Installment: After two months from the third installment.
The principal is competent to change the due dates for collection of fees.
If any student fails to the fee including special fees on the due date, he/she shall be liable to pay a fine of Rs1.00 along with the fees on or before the 10th day after the due date. If the 10th day happens to be a holyday, the next working day will be counted as the 10th day.
If the fees with a fine of Rs.1.00is not paid on or before the last date fixed in pare (iii) above an additional fine of Rs.2.00will be levied. If the fee and fines of an installment are not paid within the succeeding 20 days the name of the student will be removed from the rolls of the institution. The student will not get the benefit of attendance from the date of removal of the name from the rolls. If the student desires to be readmitted, he/she will apply for the special permission of the principal and remit all the arrears of fees including fine. A readmission fee of Rs.100.00will also be realized in such case of readmission. The readmission student will get the benefit of attendance from the date of readmission only.
The name of defaulters of an installment will be published in the notice board immediately after expiry of the last opportunity fixed for payment of that installment.
Every student is liable to pay the prescribed fee for the whole semester during any part of which his / her name is on the rolls.
If a student studying in any Govt /private institution for degree course after obtaining transfer certificate from the institution, is admitted in any Govt/ private institution, he/she shall not be called upon to pay tuition fee over and above that already paid for the semester in the institution which issue that T.C.But special fee and caution deposit should be paid at the new institution. However a student who leaves an institution and joints another one during the course of a semester is liable to pay all fees and caution deposit in the new institution .
In the case of students admitted late after the commencement of the classes the full fees till date including special fees etc. will be collected at the time of admission as if they were admitted on the due date.
The principal according to the rules prescribed by the Government will sanction refund of fees.
Students belonging to socially and educationally backward classes, as specified by the Government from time to time and Scheduled Castes and Tribes need not pay tuition fees, special etc.; however all students except those belonging to Scheduled castes, Scheduled Tribes and other eligible communities shall remit caution deposit. They should apply for fee concession in the prescribed form, which can be had from the college office together with the community certificate. It is compulsory that they apply for hostel admission and Government of India scholarship.
Children of Government servants who die in harness or within six months after retirement also apply for fee concession if the income of their guardian is below the limit fixed by the Government from time to time.