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Department of Civil Engineering


GE Lab is an integral part of the Department of Civil Engineering at GCE Kannur. All the equipments mentioned in the syllabus content of the undergraduate programme can be carried out in the laboratory. More over the laboratory provides all modern machineries required for advanced research and consultancy services. Our Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory has surplus facilities for evaluating all engineering properties of soils including index properties, compaction characteristics, consolidation characteristics and shear strength.

Lab in Charge

Dr.Vandana Sreedharan
Asst. Professor in Civil Engineering


Praveen C

Sieve Sets and Shakers
Direct Shear Test Equipment
Triaxial Test Equipment
Unconfined Compression Test Equipment
Consolidation Test Equipment
Permeability Test Equipment
Vane Shear Test Equipment
Free Swell Test Equipment
Standard Penetration Test Kit
Automatic Compactor
Field Density Apparatus
CBR Testing Machines
Specific Gravity by Pycnometer
Hydrometer Analysis