The laboratory has been developed:
(i) To improve Research and Development in the field of Structural Engineering
(ii) To enable Faculty and Students (UG & PG) to pursue projects
The CSA Laboratory is available to all researchers, professionals, and clients from
industry to solve basic and applied problems in structural engineering. Located at the
Ground Floor of A Block of GCE Kannur campus, the CSA Laboratory houses
equipment for studying the behavior of structural elements and systems both on scale
models and prototypes. Studies range from detailed stress analyses to both static and
dynamic tests on full-sized structural systems. The loading frames with 750 kN capacity
are provided in the laboratory for conducting model study on Structural elements. The
linear variable displacement transducers (LVDTs), proving rings, dial gauges and load
cells are available to study failure characteristics of both concrete and steel models.
Location : AB01
Dr.Rajeevan B
Asst. Professor in Civil Engineering
Trade Instructor