Venue : Government College of Engineering Kannur, Kerala, India


Paper Submission Guidelines


Paper Submission Guidelines

1. Manuscript should be prepared in a double column, single-spaced format using a required conference proceedings format ( A Word or LaTex file and a PDF file are both required upon submission. Content on each file must match exactly. File sizes should not exceed 10MB.

2. The use of artificial intelligence (AI)–generated text in an article shall be disclosed in the acknowledgements section of any paper submitted to an IEEE Conference. The sections of the paper that use AI-generated text shall have a citation to the AI system used to generate the text.

3. Author lists should be carefully considered before submission. Contributors who do not meet IEEE’s definition of authorship should be included in the Acknowledgment section of the article. Omitting an author who contributed to your article or including a person who did not fulfill authorship requirements is considered a breach of publishing ethics.

4. All authors should be listed on both the source file (Word of LaTex file) and the manuscript PDF file.

5. The article should be thoroughly reviewed for proper grammar before being submitted. Articles with poor grammar will be immediately rejected. Check your manuscript on Paperpal Preflight (

6. All research works should be carefully referenced.

7. The article should not be submitted elsewhere at the same time.

8. We strongly recommend keeping the page count under 6 pages for ease of review and readability.

9. Select appropriate tracks for submitting your manuscript.

10. Manuscript submission link is .......