• Mon-Thu : 8:00 am to 9:00 pm

Call for Papers

welcome to APCI2025

Track 1: Power and Renewable Energy Systems:

Smart grid, Power quality, Electronic systems for energy applications, Energy conservation and management.

Track 2: Electric Drives and Power Converters:

Electric drives, Control and Topologies of power convertors.

Track 3: Sensors, Control, and Automation Systems:

Power and biomedical applications, control systems, Instrumentation systems.

Track 4: VLSI:

Analog design, Digital design, CAD based design, Devices and Circuits, Semiconductor devices and sensors, ASIC and FPGA design, Nanoelectronics, Low power design, Testing and verification.

Track 5: Embedded Systems and IoT:

Processor design, Microprocessor/Microcontroller based design, System design, IoT, Sensors and actuators based systems, Wireless sensor network, Robotics, Embedded protocols.

Track 6: Signal Processing:

Image and video processing, Audio/Speech processing, Biomedical signal processing, Pattern recognition, Signal analysis and modelling, Signal compression and coding, Statistical signal processing.

Track 7: Communication Systems:

Wireless, Mobile communication, Optical communication, Satellite communication, Network protocols, Information theory and coding, Cognitive radio, Contact Us For more information contact us at apci@gcek.ac.in General Chair Technical Program Committee chair Publication Chair Radar and Antennas.

Track 8: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning:

Virtual and Augmented reality, Generative AI and large language model, Natural language processing and machine translation, Social network behaviors, Modeling and analysis, Big data analytics,

Track 9: Cloud Computing:

Cloud computing, High performance computing

Track 10: Cyber Security and Cryptography:

Cryptography, Cyber security