INDUSTRIAL TRAINING CONSULTANCY AND SPONSORED RESEARCH ( formerly known as Centre for Continuing Education )
Centre for Continuing Education (CCE) is functioning at Government College of Engineering Kannur based on Government Order, GO (Rt.) No. 711/98/H.Edn. dated 22/6/1998. As per this Government Order, each Continuing Education Cell of the Polytechnic, Engineering and Arts & Science Colleges in the State – Government or Aided – shall be a sub centre of Centre for Continuing Education Kerala (CCEK)
The primary objective of CCE is to impart for the growth and development of technical education, industry, business, and social upliftment. In addition, as part of its social commitment, CCE also undertakes testing of materials and consultancy services to private and government organizations, levying a nominal fee (GST extra as applicable) as per C2/11440/2019/DTE dated 28/05/2019.